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Ultrasonic Welding Design Principles

资讯来源:泰鑫合成材料有限公司    发布时间:2022-2-19 14:13:20
If there is some distance between the welding surface and the contact surface of the ultrasonic horn, the shell must be hard enough to transmit ultrasonic energy, and soft plastics cannot transmit energy reliably. Broken by mechanical force in the process.

1. Corners and edges of welds
All corners and edges must be rounded. Sharp edges can accumulate ultrasonic energy and cause cracks or unnecessary welds.

2. Potential product design issues
Parts other than the extension body, such as ribs, brackets, studs, are prone to breakage due to vibration or overheating during ultrasonic welding. In addition, other built-in objects, such as springs or wires, also affect the welding effect. In general, smooth edges and corners, small amplitude, and short welding time can achieve the best welding effect. If necessary, silica gel can be used to buffer the vibration of ultrasonic waves on electronic parts, springs, etc.

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